Firewall/SIParator® Installation

Ingate’s firewalls and SIParators come preinstalled and thoroughly tested on secure Ingate hardware. These factors combine to provide a higher level of security, as they eliminate the user errors that often occur at setup.

For step-by-step instructions on installing your Ingate Firewall, see the User Manual.

Installation of Ingate Firewall/SIParator®

This is how to install an Ingate Firewall/SIParator®:

Installation with magic ping

You can use the magic ping to set an IP address for the unit instead of running the installation program. This is how to perform a magic ping:

  1. Plug in the power cord and switch the unit on.
  2. Wait while the unit boots up.
  3. Connect the network cables to the network interfaces.
  4. Find out the MAC address of the unit (printed on the back of the unit). This is the MAC address of eth0.
  5. Add a static entry in your local ARP table consisting of the unit's MAC address and the IP address it should have on eth0.

    This is how to add a static ARP entry if you use a Windows computer:

    Run the command command (or cmd).

    In the Command window, enter the command arp -s ipaddress macaddress where ipaddress is the new IP address for the eth0 interface, and macaddress is the MAC address printed on the unit, but with all colons (:) replaced with dashes (-).

  6. Ping this IP address to give the unit its new IP address. You should receive a ping reply if the address distribution was successful.
  7. Configure the rest through a web browser.

This will also set the password to gazonk. Change it immediately via the web user interface. Before any configuration has been made, only the computer which performed the magic ping will be able to configure the Ingate Firewall/SIParator®.

If you run Windows, you can also run our Startup Tool, which you get here: Startup Tool.

Installation with a serial cable

These steps are performed when installing with a serial cable:

  1. Connect the unit to your workstation with the enclosed serial cable.
  2. For an Ingate Firewall® 1400 or SIParator 40™: check the voltage setting of the unit. This is the little red switch below the power socket. Other Ingate Firewalls and SIParators detect the correct voltage setting automatically.
  3. Plug in the power cord and turn the unit on.
  4. Wait while the unit boots up.
  5. Log on from your workstation.
  6. Run the installation program (see following instructions).
  7. Connect the network cables to the network interfaces.
  8. Configure the rest through a web browser.

Connect the unit to your workstation with the enclosed serial cable, plug in the power cord and turn the unit on. You will have to wait a few minutes while it boots up.

  • If you use a Windows workstation, the next step will be this: Start Hyperterm. A Location dialogue will show, asking for your telephone number and area. Click Cancel followed by Yes. Then you will be asked to make a new connection. Type a name for this connection, select an icon and click OK. The Location dialogue will show again, so click Cancel followed by Yes.
    Now you can select Connect using COM1 and click OK. A Port settings dialogue will show, where you select 19200 as Bits per second. Use the default configuration for all other settings. Click OK and wait for a login prompt. (In some cases you have to press Return to get the login prompt.)
  • If you use a Linux workstation, the next step will be this: Make sure that there is a symbolic link named /dev/modem which points to the serial port you connected the unit to. Connect using minicom with the bit rate 19200 bits/s, and wait for a login prompt.

Log on as the user admin. The first time you log on, the password will not be set, but you set it when you run the installation script, which starts automatically when you have logged on.

Each network interface is marked with a name (eth0, eth1, etc), which corresponds to a tab under Basic Configuration. All eth interfaces belong to ethernet cards and should only be connected using ethernet cables.

Decide which computer(s) are allowed to configure the unit and enter the name of the network interface to which they are connected, for example, eth0. You must use the physical device name (eth0, eth1 etc).

Enter the IP address of the unit on this interface and the network mask for the network.

A network mask can be written in two ways in Ingate Firewall/SIParator®:

  • The first looks just like an IP address, for example or
  • The other way is as a number between 0 and 32. An IP address has 32 bits, where the number of the network mask indicates how many bits are used in the network's addresses. The rest of the bits identifies the computer on the network.

Now, you can choose to deactivate any network interfaces. Select y to deactivate all interfaces but the one you just configured. The remaining network interfaces can be activated later when you complete the configuration via the web interface from your work station.

Now enter the computer or computers from which the unit may be configured (the configuration computers).

Then enter a password for the unit. This is the password you use in your web browser to access and change the unit's configuration. Finally, you can reset all other configuration if you want to.

Installation Floppy Disk

If you have an Ingate Firewall® model 400 or previous (Fuego Firewall) and need a replacement to the installation floppy disk that came included in the hardware package, you can download one here by following these instructions.

  1. Download one of the following archives.
  2. Unzip the appropriate file and save to an MS-DOS formatted disk. Insert the disk into your workstation.
  3. For computers running MS-DOS or Windows, follow these steps (in a DOS window):
    C:\> a:
    A:\> finst-en.exe
    On a computer running Linux:
    mount /dev/fd0 /mnt
    cd /mnt
    cd /
    umount /dev/fd0
  4. Reboot the Ingate Firewall® with the floppy in the diskdrive.

For further information concerning the use of the installation program, see chapter 3 in the User Manual.

Ingate Firewalls
Ingate SIParators
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