Ingate VPN module
More and more companies are finding that a traveling
network is a cost-effective network. Allowing employees the ability to
work from home or on the road increases productivity and reduces time lost
due to absences. VPN enables secure encrypted connections between
authorized offsite computers and office networks, allowing companies to
maintain flexible, secure workforces. Ingate VPN provides this secure
connection and the SIP-capability that enables workers away from the office
to utilize highly efficient methods of communication with clients
and colleagues. Ingate VPN can also establish secure communications through
the Internet between two local networks without the need for – or
expense of – buying dedicated external connections, which allows for
the existence of remote offices.
Ingate VPN uses IPSec, 3DES or AES encryption ensuring maximum security and can communicate with
any VPN clients, firewalls and other products supporting IPSec and IKE protocols.
Ingate VPN is included in all Ingate Firewalls and SIParators.
Ingate products also supports PPTP.

Technical specifications for Ingate IPsec VPN
- Based on IETF standards for the IPSec and IKE protocols.
- Uses strong encryption, up to 256 bits.
- Ingate VPN works transparently for the user applications behind the
- Encryption algorithms: 3DES, AES
- Authentication algorithms: HMAC-MD5-128, HMAC-SHA1-160.
- Automatic regeneration of traffic keys.
Installation and setup for Ingate VPN
The Ingate VPN module is a software module, included in the Ingate Firewall and SIParator. For detailed instructions on the
configuration of Ingate VPN with VPN client, please refer to
the VPN chapter in the User Manual.
For additional information on Ingate VPN, please contact